Our awards
Our ideas are worth it. For more than 25 years already, Servisbal has been winning Czech and international awards for its elaborate packaging solution. The most prestigious are the awards from the World Star For Packaging international competition. Every year, we take home the Packaging of the Year Award for our unique and comprehensive packaging solutions.
The greatest reward, however, is a satisfied customer
Still, we are of course very proud to hold professional awards. We appreciate winning the prestigious Vodafone Company of the Year Award and the Employer of the Region 2018 competition, as well as our success in the Meeting of the Year competition.
For many years, we’ve been participating in this competition — the only one of its kind — which is certified in the Czech Republic and Slovakia and intended for companies involved in the creation of clever packaging solutions. The aim of the competition is to highlight and eventually promote the best ideas, innovations and technologies in the field of packaging that appear on the market. This also gives us the opportunity to appreciate the work of our packaging constructors and designers.
Servisbal has already won this award 17 times
Take a look at clever packaging solutions from the workshop of our design department.
We appreciate winning the first-place title multiple times in the world-renowned WorldStar for Packaging competition. In this packaging competition, packaging solutions that offer something new and innovative to the field are generally the ones that are awarded. For us, our success is testimony to the fact that we are always at the forefront of packaging development.
Servisbal won the WorldStar for Packaging World Prize for Best Packaging for the first time in 2002, then again later in 2004, 2006 and 2012. We later won two more awards in this huge competition in 2013.
Any company with a maximum turnover of 1.4 billion CZK was eligible to enter the competition for the Business Newspaper Vodafone Company of the Year 2008 Award [Cena Hospodářských novin Vodafone Firma roku 2008]. In the regional rounds of the competition, competing companies were evaluated based on three criteria: scoring calculated from profitability, liquidity, indebtedness, assets, profitability and productivity of the company, as well as their Chamber of Commerce rating and jury evaluation. In the final round, the expert jury judged the companies based on their presentation and knowledge of the business environment.
“The winner was a company that had already won a number of important industry awards. The jury was convinced that in addition to excellent economic results, these packaging experts could even pack entire aircraft for export.”
The right corporate work spaces can breathe. They live. They have soul. Their charisma is inextricably linked to the company itself. Like many other companies, we project our business directly into our corporate spaces.
In 2016, we built a new office building. Its spaces were designed for the satisfaction of our employees who use them. It is a place where people can work individually or together, meet, and communicate in a relaxed atmosphere. The spaces are suited for creative work while still forming an integral part of our offices.

We advanced to the finals in the “Office as a DNA company” category
Servisbal came in first place in the regional round of the competition. Since 2003, the Employer of the Year rating has been focusing on companies in the Czech Republic from the point of view of human resources. The purpose of the competition is to bring the people of the company closer to their employees, not only nationwide, but also in individual regions.
We are glad to have done so well in this competition. It serves as testimony to the attitude we have towards our employees.
The Superbrands programme announced the most successful Czech brands and Servisbal happens to be one of them.
Only the best brands can win Superbrands awards. Winners are selected through an independent, three-round assessment across dozens of categories, with particular attention paid to their business results; a clear view of the Brand Council expert committee; or in the case of consumer brands, consumer research.
We appreciate the award so much. And all the more so because it’s not possible to apply for the programme; companies are nominated directly by the Superbrands expert jury.
Servisbal came in first place in the regional round of the competition. Since 2003, the Employer of the Year rating has been focusing on companies in the Czech Republic from the point of view of human resources. The purpose of the competition is to bring the people of the company closer to their employees, not only nationwide, but also in individual regions.
We are glad to have done so well in this competition. It serves as testimony to the attitude we have towards our employees.