Glossary of terms
- Underpacking - insufficient use of packaging material.
- Overpacking - excessive use of packaging material.
- Recycling - the process of handling waste that leads to its reuse.
- Upcycling - the process of reusing material that has less negative impact on the environment than current recycling.
- Downcycling - the repeated recycling of waste where the quality of the material is reduced.
- Degradable material - capable of being broken down.
- Biodegradable material - biologically degradable (with the help of bacteria and other organisms into natural elements such as carbon dioxide and water).
- Oxo-degradable material - degradable by UV light and/or heat and oxygen.
- Compostable material - biodegradable and compliant with compostability standards.
- Recycled material - made wholly or partly from secondary raw materials.
- Recyclable material - suitable for potential recycling.
- Reduce, reuse, recycle – (RRR) - expresses a basic principle in the waste hierarchy regarding sustainability. REDUCE = produce as little packaging as possible. REUSE = a great example is returnable bottles. RECYCLE = recycling as we understand it. It is possible thanks to responsible sorting of waste materials.
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