We are a carbon neutral company
Our company has the topic of ecology firmly embedded in its long-term strategy. A great source of inspiration for us is our membership in the prestigious European packaging association PackSynergy. On the one hand, following trends in developed foreign markets allows us to bring imaginative packaging solutions to the domestic market, but at the same time it is the greatest inspiration for us in the area of sustainability.
Founding of Servisbal
Joining the international
packaging association PackSynergy
Standard ČSN EN ISO 14001:2016 active approach
to environmental protection
Calculation of the carbon footprint
according to the PackSynergy methodology,
support for green projects
Cooperation with ClimatePartner,
carbon neutrality,
carbon footprint offsetting
Vstup do mezinárodní obalové
asociace PackSynergy
Norma ČSN EN ISO 14001:2016
aktivní přístup k ochraně
životního prostředí
Výpočet uhlíkové stopy
dle metodiky PackSynergy,
podpora ekologických projektů
Spolupráce s ClimatePartner,
uhlíková neutralita, kompenzace
uhlíkové stopy
Climate protection is important to us
One of the goals was to have the carbon footprint quantified and then engage in offsetting it through investment in climate protection projects both abroad and domestically.
09/2022 – 09/2023
is offset
We support the climate protection project
is offset
We support the climate protection project
Carbon footprint and international conventions
Calculating the carbon footprint and then offsetting it is one of the ways to meet the commitments in the international convention that is the Paris Agreement on Climate Change (the international treaty to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change).
The important objectives of this agreement are:
- Contribute to keeping the increase in global average temperature well below 2°C compared to pre-industrial times and aim to keep the temperature increase below 1.5°C.
- Create a climate-neutral global economy by 2050.
- Once every five years, set binding actions to reduce temperatures.
This convention is a direct follow-up to the so-called Kyoto Protocol, which defined the relevant greenhouse gases. Each greenhouse gas has a different effect on global climate change and can persist in the atmosphere for different periods of time. For ease of comparison, these substances have been converted into so-called CO2 equivalents. Thus, when CO2 emissions are quoted, all greenhouse gases are included.
CO2 neutral
Cooperation with a certified company
During 2021, we already established cooperation with ClimatePartner, which helped us to determine the carbon footprint.
There are many factors that go into the calculation of the carbon footprint. The year 2020 was largely affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, restrictions on the movement of people and the associated lower fuel consumption of company vehicles, which had an impact on the calculation.
In 2022, we contributed to offsetting our carbon footprint for 2021 by partially funding a climate protection project that will result in approximately 652,150 t less CO2 being produced annually.
Carbon offset projects contribute to the elimination of greenhouse gases or the prevention of their entry into the atmosphere. These include projects to protect green spaces and reforestation, or to build renewable energy sources. In addition, such projects contribute to sustainable development in the countries where they are implemented (e.g. by providing clean drinking water or developing infrastructure). This also creates jobs in the regions.
So what steps are we taking exactly?
Calculation of carbon emissions
We have calculated our corporate carbon footprint. It includes emissions from the various sources we use in our operations. Many factors are factored into the result – e.g. the type and fuel consumption of company vehicles, the method and consumption of energy for heating or cooling individual company buildings, consumption of office paper, water consumption, purchase of electrical equipment. The amount and type of waste produced is also included (in this respect, the carbon footprint is reduced thanks to responsible sorting), the number of days employees spent working from home and much more.
Preventing and reducing emissions
By calculating CO2 emissions, we know which areas to focus on in our efforts to reduce them. We are currently investing massively in energy saving projects (LED lights, solar panels, alternative heating methods).
Our company has also set environmental targets to regularly monitor and reduce the consumption of stretch film in our warehouse and production, and office paper.
Individual behaviour is key in this respect, as it significantly influences the amount of emissions produced on an overall scale.
That’s why we communicate the importance and meaningfulness of sustainability and savings measures to our employees.
Carbon offsetting
Some emissions cannot be prevented for the time being. We therefore compensate them by supporting a project from the ClimatePartner portfolio.
This is the highest level of commitment to climate neutrality. Supporting the protection of the landscape and environment in our region is also important to us in the long term, which is why we have decided to invest in local regional projects. These are selected by our employees through the Staff Council.
Open communication outside the company
As part of our support for the climate protection project, we were awarded the “climate neutral company” label. We have assigned an identification number that allows us to track information about the project.
Real life examples
Fixation interlayers for gitterboxes
Economical packing of shock absorbers
A new design of the fixation interlayer, which enables twice as many shock absorbers to be transported at once and reduces CO2 emissions.
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Criteria of sustainable packaging
What properties does packaging need to have to be environmentally sustainable? We’re clear at Servisbal. We produce packaging that meets 6 basic sustainability criteria.